Saturday, October 17, 2009

S. 1776 Update

U.S. Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) and U.S. Minority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) have reached an agreement that will allow the Senate to proceed to S. 1776 next week.

As such, the cloture vote on the motion to proceed to the bill that had been scheduled for Monday, October 19th is no longer necessary and has been cancelled.

Senators Reid and McConnell will negotiate an agreement which will permit a very limited number of amendments to S. 1776 to be offered and voted upon. We expect that there will be one or more votes on S. 1776 next week, including a critical vote on a motion to waive the budget act with respect to the bill.

While the vote is no longer on Monday, the legislation will still move very quickly. It is critical that you continue to reach out to to your senators and ask them to support of this legislation. Use our hotline at (800) 833-6354 and call your senators or email them here.

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