Tuesday, November 16, 2010

AMA Interim Meeting recap

2010 Interim Meeting Recap
2010 Interim Meeting Recap

House takes action on ACOs, private contracting

Here's a recap of the actions taken by the AMA House of Delegates at its Interim Meeting Nov. 6-9 in San Diego. Physicians from every state and specialty set policy that will shape the actions of the AMA on issues of most importance to the nation's doctors and their patients.

The House of Delegates adopted a series of principles regarding the establishment and operation of accountable care organizations (ACO), one of the new payment and delivery models established under the Affordable Care Act. The guidelines state that the goals of an ACO are to increase access to care, improve the quality of care and ensure the efficient delivery of care.

Student Testifying

Steve Lee, AMA Medical Student Section delegate, testifies before the House of Delegates.

The House asked the AMA Board to provide further clarity regarding non-physicians who may be performing invasive procedures, including the use of fluoroscopy, interventional pain management procedures and other treatments. Delegates also adopted new policy that, in academic environments, the AMA only support payment models for non-physician practitioners that do not interfere with graduate medical training.

The House directed the AMA to give priority to a legislative and grassroots campaign to adopt the Medicare Patient Empowerment Act. It would let Medicare patients keep their benefits when they privately contract with any physician of their choice. Read more in American Medical News.

Among ethical issues considered, the House adopted new policy that outlines a number of considerations physicians should weigh in using social media. These include using privacy settings to safeguard personal information, considering separating personal and professional content online, and recognizing that actions online and content posted can negatively affect their reputations.
Special Links

Poll shows great concern about pending Medicare cuts

Dr. Wilson

A staggering 94 percent of Americans are concerned about a looming Medicare cut to doctors, according to a new AMA poll released during the meeting.
Read more

On the Road with Dr. Wilson
In his blog, the AMA president reflects on the Interim Meeting and points to it as an example of democracy in action. Read more.

American Medical News coverage
Read full coverage of all news from the Interim Meeting at amednews.com.

See video highlights from the meeting

Dr. Channel Video Highlights

View a video recap of the Interim Meeting by The Doctor's Channel.

More highlights
Read daily highlights from the meeting.

Jeremy Lazarus, MD

Jeremy Lazarus, MD, Speaker of the House of Delegates, presided over the meeting.
The House weighed in on public health issues by extending support for universal influenza vaccination of health care workers to include seasonal and H1N1 influenza. It also urged that marijuana's status as a federal Schedule I controlled substance be reviewed to facilitate clinical research and development of cannabinoid-based medicines.

In addition, the House voted to support a requirement that athletes participating in school or youth sports who are suspected of having a concussion should not return to play or practice without a physician's written approval. They also asked the AMA to support legislation requiring the use of helmets by youths 17 and younger while skiing or snowboarding.

After some cities tried to levy taxes on college tuition, including medical school tuition, the House adopted new policy opposing such taxes.

On AMA governance issues, the House voted to require that endorsements of nominations of officials for public office be considered and approved by the entire Boardof Trustees. The House referred two business items to the Board for review: the future of the Interim Meeting, particularly whether it should be combined with the National Advocacy Conference and held in Washington, D.C each year, and whether to study if the AMA should be transformed into an "organization of organizations."

Education Sessions

Richard Deem

Richard Deem, the AMA's senior vice president of advocacy, discussed AMA priorities to improve the health system reform law.

Improving the Affordable Care Act
During "The evolving Affordable Care Act: what it means to you and your patients," physicians learned about the AMA's goals to improve the health system reform law. Replacing Medicare's sustainable growth rate formula with positive updates is at the top of the list.

Claudette Dalton, MD

Retraining is an important step for physicians looking to re-enter clinical practice, said Claudette Dalton, MD.

Retraining a big part of re-entry
Whether physicians have taken time off because of an illness, served in a government position or started a family, they need retraining to maintain their skill set. That was a key takeaway from "Physician re-entry into clinical practice: What you need to know," which highlighted important steps physicians should take before they begin a leave of absence.

Betsy Thompson, MD

Betsy Thompson, MD, reminded physicians how to qualify for incentives through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services EHR program.

Physicians share EHR success stories
Presenters during an overview of the electronic health records (EHR) incentive program shared practical examples of setting up systems in their practices. One physician said his practice eventually realized total savings of $283,000.

Thomas Luetzow, MD

Thomas Luetzow, MD, of the Wisconsin Medical Society updates physicians on a lawsuit filed over the state's attempt to confiscate medical liability funds.

Legal briefing looks at current lawsuits
The Litigation Center of the AMA and the State Medical Societies' open meeting updated physicians on litigation regarding the Federal Trade Commission's "red flags" rule as well as various other cases affecting physicians and patients.


Special Events

Nicole Lee, MD

Nicole Lee, MD, an obstetrician/gynecologist from Pearl, Miss., talks with students during Friday's event.

Doctors connect with San Diego high-schoolers
About 100 high school students from San Diego's School of Science and Technology learned what it means to be a physician as part of an AMA Doctors Back to School™ event on Nov. 5.

Busayo Obayan

AMA-MSS at-large officer Busayo Obayan, a fourth-year medical student at Boston University School of Medicine, does a stretching exercise during Saturday's event.

Students hit the gym to highlight healthy living
About 20 medical students from the AMA Medical Student Section spent part of Nov. 6 exercising with visitors of Mid-City Gymnasium in San Diego as part of a service event promoting healthy lifestyles.

Rashi Aggarwal, MD

Rashi Aggarwal, MD, spoke about the need for leaders to match their image of themselves with others' perception of them.

IMGs share perspectives on leadership
Attendees of the Busharat Ahmad, MD, Leadership Development program heard advice about leadership from a panel of international medical graduate physician leaders, including Rashi Aggarwal, MD; Nestor Ramirez-Lopez, MD; and Eileen Zhivago, MD. Later, Daniel Johnson Jr., MD, a former AMA president and former speaker of the House, discussed parliamentary procedures and how to chair a meeting more effectively. The AMA International Medical Graduates Section sponsored the program.


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