Monday, November 29, 2010

Residency Interview Tips

kendracampbell, MD, Psychiatry/Mental Health

Residency interview season is in full swing. I've already been to a few interviews, and I have picked up one some common do's and don'ts. Here is a list of residency interview tips that I've compiled based on my own experience and advice from others:

1) Stay Organized! I am completely organized to the max, and it has been super helpful. Here are some things I've done and recommend doing:
a) Create email folders and sub-folders, if necessary. You will send and receive many emails. Keep them organized.
b) Create a binder for program info. I have a color coded, chronological system set up.
c) Keep all your interview dates on a calendar! I have mine both on paper and electronically, which has worked super for me.
d) Keep all the papers and info they give you. I have mine in an expandable file folder system.

2) Research the programs. The more you know about the program, the better decisions you can make, and the better you look on interview day. Almost every interviewer has asked me, "why are you interested in this program, in particular?" If you can't answer this question, you will look unprepared!

3) Dress professionally. Wear a suit. Use common sense here. No chest hair showing, no huge gold dollar sign necklaces, and no hooker make-up.

4) Be on time. (Yes, I am obsessed with this one.) Leave WAY early, expect traffic delays and build in time for them.

5) Be prepared for questions. There are many great resources on the web with lists of common residency interview questions (you can check out some from the AAMC here). You should try and go though most of them and come up with an idea of an answer. You don't need to memorize every single question, but you should be prepared to answer the commonly asked ones.

6) Ask questions! It's not a bad idea to make a list of questions about the program in advance. Trust me, you will hear "do you have any questions?" one hundred million times on interview day. If you don't have any questions at all, you look like you're not really interested in the program.

7) Write thank you notes to your interviewers. Either electronic or paper, or both.

8 ) Know your strengths and weaknesses. Be able to give examples of both. Know how to sell yourself. Be confident about yourself as a candidate!

9) Have water accessible during the interview. Maybe this is just me, but I tend to get super dry mouth when I'm interviewing. I always make sure to have a cup or bottle of water nearby. I learned this lesson the hard way.

10) If you are really interested in a program, go back for a second look. This helps you remember the program, and shows that you are truly interested!

Good luck to everyone on their interviews!

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