Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Contact Congress During August Recess

The United States Congress has adjourned for its August recess. Now is the time to contact your Congressmen and ask them to support KMA’s priorities for meaningful healthcare reform, which are:

  1. Repeal of the SGR (Sustainable Growth Rate) formula, averting the pending twenty percent cut in Medicare reimbursement and replacing it with a system that more accurately reflects the cost of operating a physician’s office.
  2. Meaningful medical liability reform that will reduce the high cost of defensive medicine.
  3. Ending health insurance companies’ subsidies under the Medicare Advantage program and using that money to fund other proposals, including a fix to the SGR.
  4. Health insurance reform that reduces the administrative burden on patients and physicians, and reduces the barriers to obtaining insurance and health care services for patients.
  5. Anti trust relief that allows physicians to negotiate on a level playing field and allows them to work with others in the health care delivery system to increase efficiencies in the delivery of health care that are so badly needed.

KMA urges members to contact their Congressmen using their district office phone numbers provided below.

Senator Mitch McConnell - (502) 582-6304

Senator Jim Bunning - (859) 341-2602

1st District Congressman Ed Whitfield - (270) 885-8079

2nd District Congressman Brett Gurthrie - (270) 842-9896

3rd District Congressman John Yarmuth - (502) 582-5129

4th District Congressman Geoff Davis - (859) 426-0080

5th District Congressman Hal Rogers - (606) 679-8346

6th District Congressman Ben Chandler - (859) 219-1366

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