Friday, August 28, 2009

Fwd: KMA Legislative Bulletin

KMA President-Elect Urges Tort Reform
KMA President-Elect John R. White, MD, had an op-ed published in the Lexington Herald Leader on Monday, August 24, 2009. It urges members of Congress and state legislative bodies to pass medical liability reform as a first step in reforming the United State's healthcare delivery system. Doctor White's op-ed is available online.

White House to Hold Conference Call for Physicians
On Tuesday, August 25, 2009, at 8:30 pm EDT, officials from the White House will conduct a conference call for physicians concerning the current debate over healthcare reform. Physicians may participate by using the following conference call number: (800) 230-1096. Physicians may also e-mail questions about healthcare reform to in advance of the call.

KMA Priorities for Healthcare Reform
As a reminder, KMA urges members to contact their Congressman and urge them to include the following five principles in healthcare reform legislation that passes. Members of Congress will return to Washington after Labor Day to continue work on healthcare reform proposals. To contact Congress, call (800) 833-6354 or visit the KMA Legislative Action Center to e-mail them.
  1. Repeal of the SGR formula, avoiding the anticipated twenty percent cut in Medicare reimbursement based on the current formula, and the creation of a system that more accurately reflects the cost of operating a physician's office.
  2. Meaningful medical liability reform that will reduce the high cost of defensive medicine.
  3. Ending health insurance companies' subsidies under the Medicare Advantage program and using that money to fund other proposals, including a fix to the SGR.
  4. Health insurance reform that reduces the administrative burden on patients and physicians, and reduces the barriers to obtaining insurance and health care services for patients.
  5. Anti trust relief that allows physicians to negotiate on a level playing field and allows them to work with others in the health care delivery system to increase efficiencies in the delivery of health care that are so badly needed.

Doctor in Special Election August 25
James F. Ditty, MD, a Dermatologist from Flatwoods, Kentucky, will be in a special election for the Kentucky Senate's 18th District tomorrow, Tuesday, August 25, 2009. Doctor Ditty received the support of Kentucky Physicians PAC (KPPAC) in his special election bid. Physicians and others interested in the future of medicine, who leave in Bracken, Carter, Greenup, Lewis, Mason, and Robertson Counties are urged to vote in tomorrow's special election.

Join KPPAC to Register for Drawing
Physician members are urged to join Kentucky Physicians PAC (KPPAC) prior to or at the KMA Annual Meeting in mid-September to be eligible for a drawing. Special prizes will be given away at the KMA/KPPAC Legislative Reception on Monday, September 14, and the KMA House of Delegates Meeting on Tuesday, September 15. Every physician who makes a KPPAC contribution prior to those events will be eligible for the drawing and you do not have to be present to win. To make your contribution, call KMA Headquarters at (502) 426-6200 or e-mail us. To learn more about the various contribution levels, visit the KPPAC website.

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