Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Health Care Debate Continues in Congress

KMA Principles Would Benefit Kentuckians

On Thursday, July 16, 2009, the US House of Representatives
Ways & Means Committee passed HR 3200, the America’s
Affordable Health Choices Act. It is one of the proposals
currently making its way through the legislative process in
regard to health care reform.

The legislation, as passed by the committee, provides for a
fix to the pending cuts to physician Medicare reimbursement
scheduled January 1, 2010, and contains more favorable
expenditure targets for Medicare physician updates. It also
provides for the creation of a health insurance exchange that
would provide a choice of plans -- including a public plan option
-- as well as a ban on physician-owned hospitals.

It is anticipated that there will be many other proposals for
health care reform in both the House and Senate over the
coming weeks. The KMA has not endorsed any health
reform bill, but does support principles that will provide
changes to the system that will benefit all Kentuckians. These
principles include:

• Repeal of the SGR formula, avoiding the anticipated
20% cut in Medicare reimbursement based on the current
formula, and the creation of a system that more accurately
reflects the cost of operating a physician’s office.

• Meaningful medical liability reform that will reduce the
high cost of defensive medicine.

• Ending health insurance companies’ subsidies under
the Medicare Advantage program and using that money
to fund other proposals, including a fix to the SGR.

• Health insurance reform that reduces the administrative
burden on patients and physicians and reduces the
barriers to obtaining insurance and health care services
for patients.

• Anti-trust relief that allows physicians to negotiate on a
level playing field and allows them to work with others in
the health care delivery system to increase efficiencies in
the delivery of health care that are so badly needed.

KMA urges its members to communicate these principles to
their Congressmen and Senators over the coming days and
weeks as the debate in Congress continues over health care

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